Camping : the ultimate way to hygge in summer

Camping : the ultimate way to hygge in summer

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Have you heard about hygge (pronounced hoo-ga)?  It’s the Danish concept of cosiness and well-being that comes from slowing down, enjoying the simple things and connecting with friends, family, and nature.

Meik Wiking, author of the bestselling book The Little Book of Hygge: the Danish Way to Live Well explains

Hygge is about an atmosphere and an experience, rather than about things. It is about being with the people we love. A feeling of home.

I’ll admit it, I’m slightly obsessed with all things hygge – I love to embrace anything to do with cosy. It is a concept often associated with the winter months when you hunker down at home out of the dark, cold weather with candles, cosy blankets, good food and drink, However, you can – and should – have a hyggelig  (yep, that is a real word) time all year round.

What’s a great way to get hygge during the summer?  Camping!

I’ve written previously about 5 reasons to go camping. To me, these reasons pretty much sum up how camping can be hyggelig by slowing down, enjoying the simple things, and connecting with loved ones.

In his book, Wiking describes how hygge can be embraced with all of our five senses. So here’s how you can use your five senses to have a hyggelig time while camping.

  1. Taste

    Hygge often involves eating something yummy (usually something familiar, sweet and comforting.) What’s better than marshmallows roasted over the campfire, either on their own or made into s’mores.

    S'more UK version

  2. Sound

    There are so many great sounds to hear when camping. The rustling of the leaves in the trees, bird-song, running water from a stream or waterfall, waves washing up on the shore, the crackling of burning wood on the campfire. Conversation and laughter. And let’s not forget the sound of rain on the tent when you’re cosy inside (this is a favourite one for me – we live in Scotland after all!)

  3. Smell

    The smell of the forest, or the beach. That unique ‘campfire’ smell.  Breakfast cooking outdoors in the morning. Sizzling bacon and freshly brewed coffee – yum!

  4. Touch/Feel

    The feel of the warm sun on your skin. Warming your hands on a cup of tea or hot chocolate at breakfast (because, well, Scottish mornings are chilly, even in the summer).

    Getting hygge drinking hot chocolate on a chilly morning camping

  5. Sight

    All the views. The sight of the hills, the mountains, the beach, the forest – whatever location you are in. The gorgeous dimmed light of the ‘golden hour’ as the sun starts to go down. The hypnotic flames from an open fire.



Want to find out more? Check out the top 5 bestselling books on Amazon.

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Hygge Camping | Bell tent in a meadow